The MountainWest Partnership (a group of economic development professionals in the 7 western counties of North Carolina and the Qualla Boundary) is partnering with NC State University- Cooperative Extension on the CREATE BRIDGES program, which was designed to build up rural economies that have strong retail, tourism, and entertainment sectors.
As a part of this program, our region will go through a process that is designed to raise awareness of the role these important businesses play in the local economy, determine challenges and barriers negatively impacting those businesses, and develop and implement strategies to strengthen the retail, accommodations, tourism, and entertainment sectors within the region.
The CREATE BRIDGES program is pleased to announce dates and times for a virtual public forum. The forum provides a valuable opportunity for community members and additional stakeholders to convene, provide input, and engage in guided discussion as it pertains to the CREATE BRIDGES initiative.
Graham/Qualla/Swain- December 1, 2020, from 3:00- 4:30 PM. Register for the Graham/Qualla/Swain virtual public forum.
Jackson County- December 3, 2020, from 2:00- 3:30 PM. Register for the Jackson County virtual public forum.
Macon County- December 3, 2020, from 3:30- 5:00 PM. Register for the Macon County virtual public forum.